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How to: The Best Madrid to Toledo Day Trip Itinerary


If you’re spending some time in Madrid, it is super easy and convenient to take a day trip from Madrid to Toledo. Located about 70 miles north of Madrid, Toledo is known as the city of 3 cultures. The city is full of charming streets and stunning architecture, and is definitely worth checking out. If you’re considering a day trip to the city, here’s how I recommend spending one day in Toledo. 

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day trip to toledo from madrid

Madrid to Toledo Day Trip Itinerary 

9:00 AM

Leave Madrid around 9 to arrive in Toledo by 10AM

Next, make your way to Zocodover Plaza to buy your ticket for the Toledo TrainVision a tourist train that takes you around Toledo. From the train station, there are city buses right outside that will take you to the square. The buses are cash only, so make sure to have some on you.

10:30 AM

Toledo TrainVision

Toledo’s TrainVision is great for getting an overview of the city and to learn a little history. If you want to check out Mirador de Valle, the postcard view of Toledo, this is a good way to see it. Otherwise, it’s a 30/40 minute walk outside of the old city. Save yourself some steps (and time) and take the train. 

toledo, spain day trip

You’ll get 5 minutes at  the viewpoint to snap some photos. Also, make sure to sit on the right side of the train to ensure you get the views as you ride along. The train will make a loop and drop you back off at Zocodover Plaza. 

The train leaves every 30 minutes and costs €7. 

11:15 AM

Ermita “Mezquita” del Cristo de la Luz

Next, head over to Ermita “Mezquita” del Cristo de la Luz. It’s a 4 minute walk from the plaza and makes for a natural next place. If you purchased the Toledo Tourist Bracelet, entry is included. I will say that the exterior is nicer than the interior. Pop by and snap a few photos and keep moving.

day trip to toledo from madrid

Entry: €3 | Included in Toledo Tourist Wristband 

11:45 AM

Iglesia de San Ildefonso (Iglesia de los Jesuitas)

After leaving Ermita “Mezquita” del Cristo de la Luz, take the 7 minute walk to Iglesia de San Ildefonso. Also included in the Toledo Tourist Wristband, this small Baroque style church was opened in 1629. You can go in quickly and just look at the main space, or there is a tower that you can climb for views of Toledo.

Iglesia de San Ildefonso in Toledo, Spain
Iglesia de San Ildefonso in Toledo, Spain

Entry: €3 | Included in Toledo Tourist Wristband 

12:15 PM

Toledo Cathedral (Santa Iglesia Catedral Primada de Toledo)

Up next is one of the top sites in Toledo, Santa Iglesia Catedral Primada de Toledo better known as Toledo Cathedral. This is easily the prettiest and most magnificent thing you’ll see all day in Toledo, besides the viewpoint.

madrid to toledo day trip
madrid to toledo day trip
toledo cathedral
madrid to toledo day trip

Toledo Cathedral isn’t included in the tourist wristband and tickets aren’t available online. You can purchase entrance tickets in front of the church. There is a deposit for the audioguide (€1,50) that you’ll get back upon returning the device.

Entry: €12.50

1:30 PM

Convento de San Antonio de Padua

Toledo is widely known for its marzipan, a sweet consisting primarily of sugar, honey, and almond meal. One of the best places to get your hands on some and other treats is Convento de San Antonio de Padua. 5 minutes from Santo Tomé, this small little shop serves different confectioneries. Confitería Santo Tomé in zocodover square is another option.

One day in Toledo - Convento de San Antonio de Padua
One day in Toledo - Convento de San Antonio de Padua

If you’re not into marzipan, this is also a good time to grab some lunch.

Entry: €3 | Included with Toledo Tourist Wristband

2:30 PM

Synagogue of Santa María la Blanca (Sinagoga de Santa María La Blanca)

After trying some marzipan, head down the road to the Synagogue of Santa María la Blanca. Built in 1180, this former synagogue turned church turned monument is famous for its white, horseshoe-shaped arches. There’s not much to this place, so it’s a really quick pop in, pop out.

Entry: €3 | Included with Toledo Tourist Wristband

3:00 PM 

Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes (Monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes)

No Madrid to Toledo day trip itinerary would be complete without a visit to the Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes. The monastery was built to commemorate the birth of King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile son, Prince John, and their victory at the Battle of Toro. 

The monastery is my second favorite place in Toledo (the Toledo Cathedral being first). The architecture is beautiful and makes for some pretty photo opportunities.

Entry: €3 | Included with Toledo Tourist Wristband

4:30 PM

Saint Martin’s Bridge (Puente de San Martín)

After visiting the Monastery, head across Saint Martin’s Bridge ) for one more beautiful view of Toledo. Cross the bridge back into the old town, and find a place to eat or grab a snack before boarding your train back to Madrid. 


How far is Madrid from Toledo, Spain?

Toledo is about 70km (45mi) from Madrid. It takes about 1 hour by train or car. 

What is the Toledo Tourist Wristband?

The Toledo tourist wristband is bracelet that grants you entry into 7 attractions:  Church of Santo Tomé, College of Noble Maidens, Jesuit Church, San Juan de los Reyes Monastery, mosque of Cristo de la Luz, Church of the Savior, and the synagogue of Santa María la Blanca.

Note: the Toledo Cathedral is not included in Toledo tourist wristband

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madrid to toledo day trip



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