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Universal Studios Hollywood


For my friend Natalie’s birthday weekend we visited Universal Studios Hollywood and Disneyland.

Before this trip, I hadn’t been to Universal Studios Hollywood, and I was slightly bummed that the Jurassic Park ride was shut down. I’d grown up seeing commercials of it and thought it was so cool looking, but I just never made my way to Universal. However, there are plans to replace it with a Jurassic World ride which I plan on making another trip to check out.

Outside of that, me and my friend Natalie had a pretty fun day at the park. The first thing we did was check out the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I grabbed some butter beer to drink while we waited in line to ride the Forbidden Journey (my favorite in the park). After that, we went and watched Waterworld. If I had to describe Waterworld it’s like a steampunk pirate adventure all set in this “floating city.” That’s not the greatest description but it’s the jist. We also watched the Special FX show which is self explanatory. And of course we checked out the other rides and attractions.

Universal Studios Hollywood is unique theme park and definitely worth a visit at least once. I know I’ll be back for that Jurassic World ride.


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